Well we got no choice, all the girls and boys
Makin' all that noise, cause they found new toys
Oh we can't salute ya, can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya, that's a drag
School's out for summer
School's out for ever
School's been blown to pieces
Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
Dear Gov. Rick Snyder,
Please explain how cutting another $300 per pupil funding (on top of the $170 from last year) will create a better future for Michigan.
How will we create more jobs when we wont have educated civilians to fill them? Our global competition only adds to their school days and costs while we cut. Education allows us to develop informed citizens who will work, fight and vote. Maybe ignorance is your goal?
You claim to cut the excess but what excess are you speaking of? Some local schools don't even have a complete set of texts for all of their students. They still depend on VCRs and broken down projectors. Their maps are out of date. They fail to provide college preparatory classes, like Advanced Placement, because they can't hire another teacher. Teachers clean their own classrooms since the custodian was cut. Maybe in Ann Arbor you have those fancy schools with laptops and turf football fields that I heard of?
Education is part of the solution to our financial woes. Not in cutting its resources but in providing new life and support for those citizens who face the most difficult financial struggles.
Thank you,
Seriously Concerned Citizen