
I'd Like to Thank my Lucky Stars that I'm Alive and Well

Fall always seems so exciting and super busy! Lot's of new things and big changes, so here is just a quick review about what has been going on!

Jeff (boyfriend!), me, Emma, and Matt

Laura came to visit for a really fun weekend.
I'm so excited that she wants to come to Hope!

Halloween Party at Jeff's.
Allison (Jelly Beans), me (cowgirl), and Jeff (Geico caveman)

Fall Break Bike Ride!
Holland to Saugatuk and then camping!

21st Birthday Girls Night Out
Emma, Kristen, me, Kegan, and Allison


Funny How Time and Distance Change You

This past week my whole family arrived in Michigan for a long weekend together and then they left my youngest sister, Laura, with me! When I moved to Michigan Laura was only 13 and still just an annoying little sister to me. Now, she is 16, driving, and a beautiful young lady who stands a few inches taller than me! During our time together I was so impressed by her maturity. We had a ton of fun hitting the beach and visiting friends in Grand Rapids.

Sisters at the wedding: me, Laura, and Emma

Beach time and sunsets

Grand Rapids


Street Light Eyes

A Day at the Tyner's Cottage
Magician Lake
Niki, me, Kegan, and Dani

Banana tube
Dani, me, Kegan, Chris, and Niki

What the pictures didn't capture included lots of good food, bonfire, and reading.
I have a read a number of good books this summer including God-shaped Hole, This Song is You, and yes, even Twilight. (although some may debate how good it actually is)


Swimming in Sunshine

Hukilau 2009

These few pictures really represent what the Hart Cottage means to me. I love all the laid back music time and playing with the kids outside. I am so appreciative that we have a space that can hold all these amazing people that I love! Even though this year there were less people up for the 4th of July (I missed you mom!) we still had a great time and lots of good food!


I've Got Souvenirs

I went to Canada!
A friend and I made a spontaneous trip across the border for the weekend to learn about wine and see the Red Bull Airshow.
That's a plane between those cones over the Detroit River.

On the Windsor wine tour we got to learn all about ice wines.

On our way back to the great state of Michigan.


Come, come summertime

Holland summers are amazing! They kick it off with Tulip Time which included my parents and lots of corn dogs this year and then they move on to cook outs with friends and beautiful days at the beach!
I'm working full time this summer as Hope's Housing Assistant. That means I get to read lots of housing cards from incoming freshmen!


My Soul Now to Stand

Spring 2009
15th & Washington
This school year I have been attending Fourth New Community Reformed Church. It has been a great opportunity to serve in the community and I participate with the worship band. The group is made up of mostly Hope students. (pictured here, L to R: Charlie, Stan, James and Caleb)
The people of 4th have really opened their hearts and homes to us! This spring was the last time this group will get to do music together. In the fall James will be studying in South Africa as he prepares to work with international aid groups, Caleb will be interning with a missionary in Uganda, and next spring Stan will be in Hope's Washington, DC honor semester and then he will graduate early!

Sisters and Roommates: Dani, me, Emma, and Lauren

My roommate, Dani, will be in Spain next semester! This was from one of our last nights in a our beloved dorm room in Gilmore Hall! I'll miss it!!