
Time of Your Life

You can pretty much sum up my best freshman year memory with one word:
The friendships I developed this year made every experience better and the whole year so much fun.
These are the highlights:
First winter FULL of snow and high school friends visit.
Me, Jackie, and Ella

Winter Fantasia Dance with old and new friends

Niki, Brittany, Me, Ella, Jackie, and Dani

Spring Break at Sieasta Beach

Brittany, Lisa, Dani, Niki, and Me

One of many ice cream trips.

Niki, Dani, Captain Sundae, Lisa, Brittany, and Me

Trip to Canada with Brittany's family and first Red Wings game

Brittany and Me

Hope football games and even a trip to Lansing to cheer on the Spartans.
Lisa, Me, and Dani (my roommate)

Homecoming Dance

Relay for Life- all night cancer walk

Dani, Lisa, Niki, Me, and Brittany

Girls weekend at the cottage- my favorite place with some of my favorite people


Know Hope

Having just completed my freshman year at Hope College I have certainly learned to "Know Hope". Know Hope is the college's student homepage, filled with useful news and updates. When my freshman year began I found the name rather ironic as I wondered if I had "No Hope" in making it a successful year. Well my fears proved ungrounded as I adapted, dug in deep, and started to grow and flourish in a whole new community. I enjoyed the people and my time in Holland, MI so much that I decided to stay for the summer and I am currently working at Hope College's Student Development. This blog is a spot in which I can share my college experiences with family and friends who are interested so that they too can Know Hope.